Annual Activity



Sr No Month Activity Theme Description
1 March Warm up  Party Prince and Princess Party Miscellaneous  activities by kids of Nursery class
2 March Women’s day Women in Leadership
3 March Water day #water2me Documentary on saving water
4 March Holi Colour Your Imagination Colouring, drawing etc
5 March Dress  Down Day Green Vegetables Dress up like green vegetables
6 April World Health Day Health and Hygiene Healthy eating habits, proper management of left out/waste articles
7 April Himachal Day Culture  &Traditions of Himachal Pradesh Fancy dress, folk dance etc
8 April Earth Day I can help my earth/heal the earth Smart class activities
9 April International Dance Day Twisted Toe Sole dance, group dance
10 April Dress Down Day Spring Celebration Blooming garden
11 May Labour Day Day of May Talent show/celebration
12 May Mother’s Day Marvellous Mom: Mom! You Light Up My Life Crown making/photo frame/card making
13 May Dress Down Day Fresh fruits Dress up like mango, banana, guvava, apple etc
14 June Environment Day Beat Plastic Pollution How to save environment from plastics
15 June Father’s Day Honouring Fatherhood and Paternal Bonds Activity based
16 June International  Yoga Day YOGA-“Perfect Medicine to Cure You” Activity based
17 June Dress Down Day Cute  Insects Dress up like insects
18 July Forest Week Protection of Environment Plantation based activities
19 July Monsoon Celebration Fun & Enjoy Rain dance, umbrella dance
20 July Clay Moulding Magic Moulds Activity based
21 July Self Introduction Marvellous Me
22 July Dress Down Day Rainbow Dress up like rainbow
23 August Independence day & Dress Down Day Nation’s Pride Activity based, disguise as our national leaders
24 August Raakhi making The Bond of Love Activity based
25 August National Sports Day Run for Fun Relay race, spoon race, sac race etc
26 August Janamashtami Celebration Welcome Krishna Fancy dress,  Radha-Krishan dance, Mataki breaking act
27 September Teachers’ Day
28 September हिंदीदिवस हिंदीमेरीमातृभाषाहै


29 September Fun With Shapes Me and My World Smart class activities
30 September Dress Down Day Magic Mushroom Dress up like mushroom
31 October Gandhi/Shastri Jayanti Pledge of Cleanliness Quiz and short speeches
32 October Shloka/Mantra Recitation Prayer for Peace & Prosperity Smart class activities
33 October Navratri and Dussehra Celebration Culture  &Traditions of India Fancy dress, dance , skits
34 November Deewali Celebration Safe Deewali Awareness for celebrating safe Deewali in the form of speeches, and acts
35 November Children’s Day  – Celebration by teachers
36 November Dress Down Day
37 December Christmas Celebration Celebration of Christmas by students & teachers